Lucky 63 Calculator

Lucky 63 Calculator
Odds Place Term Result Rule 4
Bookmaker Bonuses
Total Stake Total Return Total Profit

What is a Lucky 63 Bet?

A Lucky 63 is a 6 selection bet consisting of 63 bets:

  • 6 singles
  • 15 doubles
  • 20 trebles
  • 15 four-folds
  • 6 five-folds
  • 1 six-fold accumulator

Like the Lucky 15 and Lucky 31 this bet will pay out bonuses depending on how many winning selections you have. These bonuses can vary slightly from bookmaker to bookmaker so check before you bet. 1 or more winner will lead to a payout but the more winning selections you have the more you will be paid.

Play around with the calculator above to see how much your bet could pay out.

A £1 Lucky 63 bet costs a total of £63